May 19, 2008

Somebody invent this

You've got the time. You've got the know-how. Put it to work.

I want a pair of self-cleaning eyeglasses.

Anyone else have suggestions for products we desperately need?

On an unrelated note, it turns out that brown shoe polish may not be the best choice for tan shoes. But it sure smells good.


Anonymous said...

spit works just fine for your glasses. you're a GENIUS if you really tried to polish your tan shoes with brown shoe polish. and, quite frankly, i'd be embarrassed on two counts there:
1) for admitting you polish your shoes (dorky)
2) for admitting how great an error that was

Your escalator operator said...

Spit sounds like a good idea, but let's say I had just finished eating (something really healthful, like a kale-mango-banana-cinnamon smoothie). Then, spit wouldn't be such a hot idea, smarty pants.
Two, by polishing my own shoes, I'm emulating the world's best dad. Although he probably wouldn't have made that brown polish-tan shoe mistake.

Anonymous said...

if you have enough $ to spend on $8-9 smoothies, then BUY THE LITTLE SPRAY BOTTLES OF LENS CLEANER.
also, water works - if you are concerned about saving $ for your new expensive digs.

Your escalator operator said...

All good suggestions, but none would be necessary if my eyeglasses were self-cleaning. And then I'd really be able to see how green and lucious my kale smoothie was.

JBhumitra said...

self-cleaning eyeglasses would be the BEST invention ever. very clever. my ex used to always notice my glasses were dirty before i did, and he would clean them for me, everytime they needed cleaning, for the 2 yrs we dated. since we broke up, i have to clean my own glasses now. bah!

Your escalator operator said...

Thank you for lending some much-needed support to the idea. I was really taking a beating before you seconded it.

Want to try a kale smoothie?

Anonymous said...

is it really so difficult to just take off your glasses, wipe them on your shirt & put them back on? i'm not understanding here. do you want little wipers on the glasses? that'd be REALLY COOL looking.

Loree said...

I'm ready to be able to access the internet in my brain. I don't want to hear about any new inventions until that day.

Your escalator operator said...

That's a strong idea. It actually seems like something they could do. Where would you see the images and stuff?

Loree said...

Good question. But I'd be content with a text-only version for now.