September 18, 2008

I've got a gift*

* to give to a one-year-old.

So I come to you for suggestions. What should I get as a birthday present for my (soon-to-be) one-year-old nephew? You might remember Max from such blog posts as this and... wait, no, just that one.

Anyway, he's very cute and very smart (you should hear him say "up" and see him stick out his tongue when I ask him where his tongue is), and he has a voracious appetite. Nobody demolishes a cheeseburger like my nephew.

(Quick aside: That reminds me that one of my most favoritest job responsibilites when I interned for an actual member of the U.S. Congress was running across the street to Burger King to get plain hamburgers for her dog. Good times.)

In light of Max's love of food, I was thinking about one of those cheese/sausage towers from Harry & David, but his mom might not appreciate that, and she's lactose-intolerant, so she wouldn't even be able to share the good stuff.

But some of you must have nephews, and most of you were one year old at some point, so help a brotha out!


Anonymous said...

that's so damn cute that you're asking for help in your blog read by 3 people, including me, max's mother.
that being said, if that harry & david thing shows up at my door, i'll return to sender & let you get sick eating it.
THAT being said, the boy has everything he needs...seriously!
if you're asking me, however, i'd say he'd be REALLY happy if his western-most aunt/uncle move EAST. that would be the best present EVER. how can you deny such a cutie pie that?!

Your escalator operator said...

Move east ... like to Culver City? Too far away from the beach. :)

Anonymous said...

smart ass